REGALE Workshop at HiPEAC23

The HiPEAC 2023 conference will take place from January 16 to 18 in Toulouse, France. Associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster sessions and an industrial exhibition will run in parallel with the conference.

REGALE will be hosting a workshop with the title „Energy efficient supercomputing in the exascale era“. The workshop proposal was accepted by the conference committee.

When: Jan 17, Afternoon

Where: Pierre Baudis Convention Centre, Toulouse, France


As we are approaching exascale systems some paradigms of HPC become obsolete. Future HPC systems will be very heterogeneous and complex at the node level. They will leverage very different technologies closely integrating general-purpose CPUs with GPU and FPGA accelerators. For energy efficient computing without significant trade-off on the performance side, applications will have to leverage these technologies dynamically. To achieve this, a new software stack is needed.

Over the past months the REGALE project partners have been building an open and scalable software stack capable of bringing energy efficiency and programmability to tomorrow’s HPC exascale systems.

The project partners will present the first version of the REGALE integrated platform and demonstrate the applicability of the solution. Key stakeholders and decision makers from the industry, politics and the HPC community will come together, to exchange information about the status quo of energy efficient supercomputing and to discuss which steps need to be taken for further development. The workshop will also invite representatives from other EU projects with similar objectives to exchange views, experiences and current results.